Archive for the ‘Discussion’ Category

Daily Post – Discussion – Are design contests spec work?

questionAs someone who checks out at least three different design forums daily I’ve read many opinions from people about design contests. Many designers feel that these contests cheapen our profession, that participating in these contests is tantamount to spec work, and believe me, designers hate the idea of spec work. Obviously, considering that I have entered multiple design competitions, I feel differently.

First, I would like to point out that I am against spec work. Doing a job for free for a friend or family member is one thing, building a website or designing a logo for someone simply to have work to add to your portfolio is something else entirely. As I’ve read someone else say, try asking a plumber or an electrician to do their work for free with the promise of giving them credit for their work when people ask. Chances are very good that you’ll end up sitting in the dark with a running toilet.

On the subject of design competitions however, I disagree with many of my colleagues. I relate it to a professional golfer. Are golfers giving away their work for free when they compete in a tournament? I don’t believe so, yet many of them don’t make the cut and therefore receive no money. I still don’t think this means they gave their work away. This is how I look at design competitions. Not only does it get your creative juices flowing, but you can also learn from them. You get to see the different ways other designers attack the same problem with which you’re faced and maybe you learn to look at things a bit differently.

What do you think? Are design competitions spec work or a respectable way for designers to hone their craft?